5th(!) Annual Kayak Trip! (Reminder)

(1 more week to get early bird price!)

Greetings Friends in Recovery!

It’s time once again for the annual Northbay SAA Fellowship Kayak Trip! Saturday, July 13th at 9:30am come float along the Russian River from Memorial Beach in Healdsburg to Wohler Bridge, and enjoy some fantastic fellowship fun! The trip includes a meeting on the river bank where Intergroup will provide lunch!

Signup at Russian River Adventures and use the discount code DAVE0713 before June 1st to get your early bird price of $58. Signups after June 1st are subject to a first come first serve opening to the public, and dates fill up fast, so don’t delay! (you could always cancel later, if you had to).

For more information, see the flyer!

The Napa Meeting is On Hiatus!

Greetings Friends in Recovery!

Until further notice the Thursday Night Napa Meeting will not be meeting. This change is reflected on the current meeting schedule available on our website. The meeting will return as soon as it has found a new meeting location. If you have information about possible available meeting locations in the Napa area, please respond to this email!

In the meantime, a complete list of available meetings in our area is available at northbaysaa.org/meetings!

5th(!) Annual Kayak Trip!

Greetings Friends in Recovery!

It’s time once again for the annual Northbay SAA Fellowship Kayak Trip! Saturday, July 13th at 9:30am come float along the Russian River from Memorial Beach in Healdsburg to Wohler Bridge, and enjoy some fantastic fellowship fun! The trip includes a meeting on the river bank where Intergroup will provide lunch!

Signup at Russian River Adventures and use the discount code DAVE0713 before June 1st to get your early bird price of $58. Signups after June 1st are subject to a first come first serve opening to the public, and dates fill up fast, so don’t delay! (you could always cancel later, if you had to).

For more information, see the flyer!

SAA Prisoner Writer Program

Greetings Friends in Recovery!

A message from ISO of SAA:Currently 25 inmates have asked for help working the steps and understanding the principles of our program. Unfortunately at this time, no one has volunteered to assist them.”

The Prisoner Outreach Program has suggested a set of minimum requirements for being a letter writer:

  • A minimum of one year in the program.

  • A minimum of six months continuous sobriety.

  • Have worked the 12-steps with a sponsor.

  • Are committed to bringing the message of experience, strength and hope to those desiring to recover from sex addiction.

If you believe you can be of help please see this flyer. If you are the secretary or intergroup rep for your meeting, please print some copies and place them on your meetings literature table.