Celebrating Gratitude

The Celebrating Gratitude event hosted by North Bay SAA will be held Saturday, September 30th at the beautiful home of Bill I. The event will begin at 11:30 a.m. at 5714 Hatchery Court in Penngrove.


All members of North Bay SAA and their partners are invited.


This event will be a potluck lunch, so bring something for you AND something to share. A grill will be available to barbecue burgers, hot dogs, vegetables (or whatever). SAA North Bay will provide plates, utensils, cups, soft drinks, and water. The event will be alcohol-free. Remember, this is a private residence, so please be considerate of our host and his home.


We will celebrate the gratitude we share for our recovery, our fellowship and our volunteers in service. We have much to be grateful for; the gifts of recovery SAA has given us, the support that we receive from our brothers and sisters, our sponsors, the many volunteers in SAA North Bay, and the work of the International Service Organization that empower our meetings and our recovery work.   


We attend SAA meetings in-person, Zoom and hybrid. But, since the start of the pandemic, we haven’t had an opportunity to gather in a safe environment and socialize with the North Bay SAA fellowship. Here is a unique chance for us to come together and enjoy our friendships and celebrate our lives in recovery.


We are privileged to have special guest Tracy R., Executive Director of SAA International traveling from Houston to Sonoma County to be with us in-person. She will share her story, and the story of the ISO’s work supporting hundreds of SAA meetings and the thousands of recovering addicts worldwide. 


We will also hear from Bob L, Chair of the ISO Board of Trustees and his wife who will share their joyous story of strength, hope and recovery. 


There will be an opportunity for us to practice the 7th Tradition by making a donation that will be shared between the North Bay SAA and the ISO. We encourage you to become a LifeLine Partner and make monthly donations to the ISO. For a limited time your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar.  Your contribution is greatly appreciated but there is no obligation to donate.


Bring your bathing suit and a towel for a jump in the swimming pool. Or, test your skill against others playing a game of corn hole. 


Please join us for this special day of celebration and fellowship.